WWW Wednesday

Hello! Today I wanted to do another WWW Wednesday – the first one of 2022! I currently have a bunch of posts in the drafting stage, and the one that I thought would be ready to go isn’t quite reading yet. So, I thought I would quickly put together a WWW Wednesday and let you all know how my reading has been going. I always seem to have a strong start to the year, although this year has been my slowest start for quite a few years, but that is okay. I have already read three books (one book and two short stories) and I am really excited about my reading year! As always, WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words. 

There are just three questions to answer:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What did you recently finish reading?
  3. What do you think you’ll read next?

As always, I am currently reading multiple books! The first one is Restless Slumber by K.J. Sutton which is the second books in the Fortuna Sworn series. I am really enjoying this one. I am listening to it on audiobook, and I really like the narrator – I feel like there are times where the narrator of an audiobook either makes or breaks the book, and this one is definitely making it for me. I also really like being in a new fantasy setting. It is quite a wild story but I am really enjoying it so far. I am not too far into the second book, but the first book left me with so many questions that I need to read the second one now.

I am also rereading House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas. It is the first book in the Crescent City series, and the second instalment is coming out next year. The first time I read this book, I listened to the audiobook and followed along with the book at the same time. For my reread, however, I wanted to read it physically. If you’ve seen my Reading Goals for 2022 post, you might remember that it is my goal to read more books physically this year than I did last year. I thought I would start with a book that I already know I love, and a story that I am already familiar with, but cannot remember everything. I am also trying my hand at annotating with post it notes. I have never really tried doing this – well aside from the books I had to for university. I am really enjoying it so far. I have just finished part one, and I have already tabbed so many aspects of the book. I cannot wait for book two. I need it now.

As you can probably guess from the first question, I just finished reading Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton – it was actually my first read of 2022! I always like to think of my first read as how it is going to set the year for me, so I think it is a good sign that my first read of 2022 was a five star read. As I said before, I am so excited for the rest of the series. I think book 4 just came out, and I am in a Discord group where they discuss many books, and one of those is the Fortuna Sworn series and I am terrified of seeing a spoiler. I have to read it quickly if I am going to keep avoiding the spoilers!

Aside from continuing the Fortuna Sworn series, I will hopefully be reading some books that I have requested from NetGalley. Again, part of my reading goals for 2022 was to read more books physically or by e-book, and to review more books, so I went on a little, wild requesting books adventure that I may or may not be regretting. Regretting only because I will have to review all of these and my NetGalley percentage is already really bad. But some of the ones that I have just been approved for are:

  • Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
  • The Final Srtife by Saara El-Arifi
  • Silver to the Heart by Brien Feathers
  • Lockdown on London Lane by Beth Reekles
  • The Heart of the Deal by Lindsay MacMillan

I am so excited about all of these books and can’t wait to read these. Some I am hoping to get my review up by next month; the other ones I will work with the release date for them.

So, if you can’t tell, I am very excited about this fresh new reading year and I just want to devour all of the books all at once. Let me know in the comments what you are currently reading, and how is your reading year so far?

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6 responses to “WWW Wednesday”

  1. mistysbookspace Avatar

    My reading year is off to a slow start. I started off the year testing positive for COVID so I’ve been sick. I’m finally better but so far I’ve only finished one book and I’m currently reading Again, but Better by Christine Riccio. I am hoping that things will pick up reading wise now that I’m feeling better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kira Avatar

      Oh gosh! I am late to responding to this, but I hope you’re feeling better now!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mistysbookspace Avatar

        Oh yeah I’m definitely better but now I’m healing from a surgery. I’m on track with my reading at the moment so that’s good.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Kira Avatar

        Oh gosh! I hope your surgery went as planned, and I wish you a speedy recovery!
        That is good! I am very, very behind lol!

        Liked by 1 person

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I’m Kira

Welcome to my cosy corner of the internet dedicated to anything book-ish related. I am an avid reader, who is constantly battling a reading slump. On here, I share my chaotic, rambling thoughts of all of the books I have read and want to read, offering my unsolicited thoughts. Occasionally, I will share my own work whether that is my poetry or progress updates as I write my own Fantasy novels.


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